David M. Simpson, MD, FAAN
Professor of Neurology
Director, Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratories and Neuromuscular Division
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, New York
United States
Katharine E. Alter, MD
Medical Director
Functional and Applied Biomechanics Section
Senior Clinician
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland
United States
Cynthia Comella, MD
Immediate Past-President
Professor Emeritus
Department of Neurological Sciences
Rush University Medical Center
Chicago, Illinois
United States
Cindy B. Ivanhoe, MD
Clinical Professor
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
The University of Texas Health Science Center
McGovern School of Medicine
Spasticity and Associated Syndromes of Movement
TIRR-Memorial Hermann
Houston, Texas
United States
Andreas Rummel, PhD
Senior Group Leader
Institut für Toxikologie
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Hannover, Germany
Chris Boulias, MD, PhD, FRCP(C)
Clinical Researcher
West Park Healthcare Centre
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
Min Dong, PhD
Assistant Professor
Harvard Medical School
Boston Children’s Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts
United States
Wolfgang H. Jost, MD
Professor of Neurology
Chief Neurologist
Parkinson-Klinik Ortenau
Wolfach, Germany
Sabine Pellett, PhD
Research Associate Professor
Department of Bacteriology
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, Wisconsin
United States
Raymond L. Rosales, MD, PhD
Chief of Neurology
University of Santo Tomas
Manila, Philippines
Giampietro Schiavo, PhD, FMedSci, FRSB
Professor of Cellular Neurobiology
Department of Neuromuscular Diseases
Deputy Director
Queen Square Institute of Neurology
UK Dementia Research Institute
University College London
London, United Kingdom
Nowell Solish, MD, FRCP
Assistant Professor of Dermatology
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
Marie Vidailhet, MD
Professor of Neurology
Sorbonne University
Department of Neurology
Salpêtrière Hospital
Paris, France
Jörg Wissel, MD, FRCP
Neurorehabilitation and Physical Therapy Unit
Vivantes Clinic Spandau
Berlin, Germany