Dear Colleague,

On behalf of the International Neurotoxin Association (INA) and its Conference Organizing Committee, I am pleased to announce the TOXINS 2022 6th International Conference which will be held July 27-30, 2022, in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The TOXINS conferences are the premier venue for consideration of the latest developments in the basic science and clinical applications of neurotoxins. The scientific program―presented by the world’s experts in their respective fields―will be of interest to basic scientists and clinicians in the fields of neurology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, dermatology, aesthetic medicine, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, urology, gastroenterology, and pain management.

Registration, Housing and Abstract submission is now open! Check this website periodically for updates on TOXINS 2022 conference details.

I look forward to your joining us in New Orleans.


Alberto Esquenazi, MD
Chair, TOXINS 2022

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