Ryuji Kaji, MD, PhD

Ryuji Kaji, MD, PhD, is Professor and Chair of the Department of Neurology at Tokushima University Graduate School of Medicine, Tokushima, Japan. Dr. Kaji’s research has focused on the pathophysiology, molecular genetics, and functional neuroanatomy of dystonia, especially Lubag dystonia. As an electromyographer, he has a keen interest in motor neuron disorder, and recently published a paper on a new gene causing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (OPTN). Dr. Kaji has also published extensively on botulinum neurotoxin therapy of movement disorders and other conditions in leading biomedical journals.

He has served as an elected Trustee of the World Federation of Neurology and has also served on the International Executive Committee of the Movement Disorder Society (MDS), as well as the editorial board of Movement Disorders. Dr. Kaji is also an Executive Board member of the Japanese Society for Neurology and the Japanese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology; a member-at-large of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology; and a corresponding member of the American Neurological Association.

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