Dorothea Sesardic, PhD Dr Sesardic obtained a BSc degree in Biological Sciences from University of London in 1975 and PhD in Medical Microbiology in 1980. She has over twenty-nine years experience in biomedical research and has worked as a senior staff member at NIBSC for the past 20 years. She is now deputy Head of Division of Bacteriology and head of toxin / antitoxin laboratory. Dr Sesardic has extensive scientific and regulatory experience regarding product pre-clinical and post licensing evaluation. She is an expert adviser to UK DoH, WHO and EDQM, representing UK at EDQM Ph Eur Group of Experts No 15 for vaccines and sera since 2001. She is also a member of several Botulinum toxin expert working groups in Europe and an appointed member of a panel of experts on Biological and Biotechnological products for British Pharmacopoeia. Her current research is funded by UK DoH, EU framework 7 and MRC NCR3. She has more than 160 peer-reviewed publications and several book chapters on a range of topics.