Cindy Ivanhoe, MD

Dr. Ivanhoe is Chief Medical Office of Mentis Neuro Rehabilitation. She is an admitting physician to the Brain Injury and Stroke Program at TIRR-Memorial Hermann, formally, The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR), having been director of that program from 1996-2006 and co-director of the program from 1993-1996. During that time, she was instrumental in creating the Spasticity Program.

Dr. Ivanhoe completed her fellowship in Brain Injury Rehabilitation through BaylorCollege of Medicine at the Institute for Rehabilitation and Research. She is an Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Baylor College of Medicine and The University of Texas-Houston. In addition to her many clinical commitments, Dr. Ivanhoe remains a strong advocate for person’s suffering from Acquired Brain Injuries and Neurological Illness, having lobbied at the national level for issues affecting patient care and testifying before a congressional subcommittee on Traumatic Brain Injury. She is an advocate for the treatment of the Upper Motor Neuron Syndrome, particularly, as it pertains to the use of adjunctive therapies and coordination of available services.

Dr. Ivanhoe has trained premed students, medical students, residents and fellows in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation from the US and abroad. She has published in many textbooks related to brain injury rehabilitation, including Brain Injury Medicine and has been a speaker in venues ranging from the Pro Football Hall of Fame, to the southern hemisphere, on diverse topics related to spasticity management, medical complications of brain injury and neuropharmacology of brain injury treatment.

Dr. Ivanhoe has served on 2 Task Forces of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (“Concussion”) and Spasticity. She is a member of advisory boards and speaker bureaus for companies involved with medications and devices used in the treatment of spasticity and other movement disorders. Dr. Ivanhoe is on the Medical Advisory Board of the Houston Area Parkinson’s Society and the educational committee of “We Move”, a nonprofit educational organization providing educational materials for physicians and consumers with Movement Disorders. She currently serves on the Advisory Council of “Reel Abilities”.

Dr. Ivanhoe received the Elizabeth and Sidney Licht Award for the Paper Presenting Potential Significance and Empirical and Theoretical Contributions to Rehabilitation Medicine. This was presented by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine in Washington, D.C., on October 4, 2007, for her paper on “Intrathecal Baclofen in Post Stroke Spasticity.” Dr. Ivanhoe has also received the Roy H. Cullen Quality of Life Award, presented by the Houston Area Parkinson’s Society, and the R. Edward Carter, Jr., M.D. Clinical Achievement Award for Continuing Contributions and Accomplishments presented by Baylor College of Medicine-University of Texas Houston Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Alliance in 2004 and 2001.

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